Animated Bible Clips
The good Samaritan
The wicked Tennants
The two sons
The given Talents
The workers in the Vineyard
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
The prodigal Son
The parable of the weeds
Drawing in the Net
The barren Fig Tree
The unjust Steward
The Parable of the Sower
The unforgiving Servant
Counting the cost
The Mustard seed and the yeast
The unjust Judge
The growing seed
The Lost Coin
The Rich Fool
A friend at night
The Wise and the foolish Builders
The Precious Pearl
The lost Sheep
The two Deptors
The great Banquet
The rich Man and Lazarus
Central Stories
The widows offering
Jesus is questioned
The lords supper
Jesus in Gethsemane
The Crucifixion of Jesus
The empty Grave
Jesus and the children
Jesus visits a Pharisee
Jesus´ entry into Jerusalem
The annointing of Jesus
Zaccaus the Tax collector
Peter calls Jesus the Son of God
Jesus’ Mother and Brothers
The transfiguration
Jesus cleanses the themple
The Birth of Jesus is foretold
Jesus is born
The shepherds in the field
The wise men from the East
Jesus, the refugee
The 12 year old Jesus in the Temple
Jesus is baptized
Jesus is tempted
Jesus in his hometown
The calling of Matthew
Jesus visits Martha and Mary
The calling of the Apostles
A Fig Tree without Fruit
The blind Man on the Road
Jesus heals ten Men with Leprosy
Jesus heals a crippled Woman
Jesus heals a Man born blind
The Coin inside the Fish
The Boy and the Demon
Jesus heals a deaf and mute Man
A Woman begs for Help
Jesus walks on water
Jesus feeds 5000 People
The sick Woman and the dead Girl
The demon possessed Man and the Pigs
Jesus calms the Strom
Jesus raises the Son of a Widow
Jesus heals the Servant of a roman Officer
Jesus heals a shriveled Hand
A lame Man can walk
A Man is healed from Leprosy
Jesus heals Peters Mother in Law
Jesus heals a Man on the Sabbath
The Son of a royal Official
The Invalid at the Pool
Water becomes Wine
The big catch of Fish
Jesus raises Lazarus from the death
The Blind can see, the Mute can talk
sermon on the mount
The Beatitudes
Salt and Light
The Fulfillment of the Law
Helping the Poor
About Prayer
About Fasting
Treasures in Heaven
Do not Worry
Judging others
Ask, search, knock
The narrow and the wide Path
The tree and its fruit
El árbol y sus frutos
BibleCartoon - español
El árbol y sus frutos